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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2011-11-29   浏览次数:19

Prefer green clothing if priced as non-green ones” – Brandix urges buyers

Brandix Lanka Ltd., Sri Lanka’s largest end-to-end apparel solutions provider and a leading apparel exporter, has urged its buyers from across the globe to prefer green clothing if they are priced the same as non-green ones, and thereby back the Sri Lankan apparel industry’s drive for sustainable production.

Retailers have been advocating the idea of sustainable and ethical production, but while procuring the goods, they only focus on price and prefer placing orders based on lowest cost, Brandix Lanka Chairman Ashroff Omar said while addressing the South Asian Leadership Forum, a discussion forum held as a part of the Sri Lanka Design Festival, which drew participation of world apparel industry players.

He clarified that he is not asking the retailers to procure green products by paying higher prices, but said they should draw a line between green and non-green products and recompense producers of green products through other non-monetary means.

Over the past few years, the domestic apparel producers in Sri Lanka have attempted to add more environmental sustainability element to their units, but the present economic slump in the Western economies and the rising demand for low cost items has brought the sustainability of this green policy under scanner.

Mr. Omar stated that Brandix is transforming its two more units into green units, and added that the concept is commercially viable even with the large costs involved.

He said the global buyers should view ethical or eco-friendly garments as a value-addition that can cater to the rising consumer demand for sustainable production.

If a producer of green garments is offering his goods at the same price as usual ones, buyers should give preference to buying green products, as this could be a win-win situation for both the garment producers and global buyers. While green units would benefit with increased volumes, the retailer would not have to bear any extra cost for the products which are environmentally more sustainable, the Brandix Lanka Chairman reasoned.

Sri Lankan apparel exports for the current year have grown by 45 percent over last year and the domestic industry claims that it has enough orders to go on till January-end.


Brandix Lanka有限公司,斯里兰卡最大的端到端服装解决方案供应商和领先的服装出口商,强烈要求全球的购买者选择环保服装,如果价位和非环保服装相同的话,从而Sri Lankan服装产业力求持续生产。

零售商一直倡导可持续和道德的生产想法,但是在采购货物的时候,他们只关注于价格和喜欢以最低的成本下订单,Brandix Lanka总裁Ashroff Omar同时强调了南亚领导论坛,讨论论坛的召开成为了斯里兰卡设计节的一部分,吸引了世界服装产业的从业者参加。



Mr. Omar说道,Brandix是将其两以上的单位转化为环保单位,并补充说,这个概念即使涉及大量的成本也是商业可行的。


如果一个环保服装制造商提供以普通服装的同等价格,购买者应选择环保服装,为服装制造商和全球购买者创造了双赢的局面。而绿色单位将受益于量增,零售商不必为该服装承担额外的成本,其在环境方面更为持续的,Brandix Lanka总裁推断说。




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